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  • Expert ID : 1
  • Dr Jagdish Arora

  • Advisor
  • Information Science and Library Science
  • LIS, Library 2.0, Union Database, Digital Repositories, Digital Libraries,Consortia, Open Access
  • National Board of Accreditation (NBA)
  • Delhi
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  • Expert ID : 4
  • Dr Bhabani Das

  • Professor
  • Soil Science
  • Soil Physics, Hydrology, Agriculture and Environmental quality
  • Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
  • West Bengal
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  • Expert ID : 8
  • Mr. Mandar Joshi

  • Scientist E
  • System Development
  • Data aquisition Systems,Control Systems
  • Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology
  • Madhya Pradesh
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  • Expert ID : 32
  • Dr Krishna Pillai Kaliappan

  • Professor
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Total Synthesis of Biologically Active Natural Products, Synthesis of Natural Product like Molecules, Design and Synthesis of Novel Hybrid Natural Products, Development of New Chiral Ligands for Asymmetric Synthesis, Organocatalysis .
  • Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
  • Maharashtra
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  • Expert ID : 33
  • Dr Nand Kishore

  • Professor
  • Chemistry, Multidisciplinary
  • Biothermodynamics, Biophysical Chemistry
  • Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
  • Maharashtra
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  • Expert ID : 42
  • Prof Irishi N N Namboothiri

  • Professor
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Organic Synthesis, Physical Organic Chemistry, Reaction Mechanisms.
  • Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
  • Maharashtra
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  • Expert ID : 48
  • Dr C P Rao

  • Professor
  • Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry
  • Calixarenes and their derivatives, Organic and Inorganic and Biomimetic chemistry of metallocalixarenes as models of inorganic enzymes, Transition-metal saccharide chemistry and biology, Lanthanide.
  • Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati
  • Maharashtra
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  • Expert ID : 59
  • Dr. Anil Prakash

  • Scientist F
  • Entomology
  • Regional Medical Research Centre ICMR
  • Assam
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  • Expert ID : 60
  • Dr. Santanu Kumar Sharma

  • Scientist - G
  • Allergy
  • working on haemoglobinopathies and thelassemia
  • ICMR - Regional Medical Research Centre, N E Region
  • Assam
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  • Expert ID : 71
  • Dr. Devendra K Ojha

  • Associate Professor
  • Infrared and Optical Astronomy
  • Star formation, Young Stellar Objects (YSOs), Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) Stars, Astronomical Instrumentation, Astronomical groung and space based observations
  • Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) Mumbai
  • Maharashtra
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