Vidwan-ID : 503653

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Criteria Point
Personal Details 1
Expertise Details 1
Experience Details 1
Qualification Details 1
Employee ID 0.2
Orcid ID 0.2
Researcher ID 0.2
Scopus ID 0.2
Google Scholar ID 0.2
Honours <=3< /td> 0.3
Honours >3 0.5
Project worth less than Rs.5,00,000/- 0.2
Project worth more than Rs.5,00,000/- 0.5
Membership in professional Bodies < 5 0.5
Membership in professional bodies >=5 1
No of publications <=15 1
No of publications between 15-45 2
No of publications >45 3

Vidwan Score 5.8

58% Complete
1 Articles
1 Awards

Dr Ben Christopher

Assistant Professor
PSN College of Engineering and Technology


  • 1
    Journal Articles
  • 1

Google Scholar

Co-author Network


Electrical and Electronic Engineering

I am interested in renewable energy systems and optimization techniques, focusing on innovative solutions for maximizing energy efficiency and sustainability

Personal Information

Dr Ben Christopher

1989 Male
Department Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering PSN College Of Engineering And Technology, Melathediyoor, Tamil Nadu, India
Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India - 627152


  • Assistant Professor

    Electrical and Electronics Engineering

    PSN College of Engineering and Technology,Tirunelveli

  • Research Fellow

    Electrical and Electronics Engineering

    St Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil,Kanyakumari

  • Assistant Professor

    Electrical and Electronics Engineering

    Loyola Institute of Technology and Science,Kanniyakumari

  • Assistant Professor

    Mechanical Engineering

    James College of Engineering and Technology,Kanniyakumari


  • Ph.D

    Anna University

  • ME

    St. Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering

  • BE

    Ponjesly College of Engineering

Honours and Awards


Silver Medalist (University 2nd Rank for Masters Degree))

Anna University


Silver Medalist (University 2nd Rank for Masters Degree))

Anna University

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Publications (1)