Vidwan-ID : 339272

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    Score criteria

Criteria Point
Personal Details 1
Expertise Details 1
Experience Details 1
Qualification Details 1
Employee ID 0.2
Orcid ID 0.2
Researcher ID 0.2
Scopus ID 0.2
Google Scholar ID 0.2
Honours <=3< /td> 0.3
Honours >3 0.5
Project worth less than Rs.5,00,000/- 0.2
Project worth more than Rs.5,00,000/- 0.5
Membership in professional Bodies < 5 0.5
Membership in professional bodies >=5 1
No of publications <=15 1
No of publications between 15-45 2
No of publications >45 3

Vidwan Score 9.5

95% Complete
174 Articles
5 Books
5 Projects
7 Awards

Dr Rakesh Kumar Singh

Head of the Department
Aryabhatta Knowledge University


  • 174
    Journal Articles
  • 5
  • 30
  • 5
  • 7
  • 1
  • 18

Citations / H-Index

1101 Citations
18 h-index
649 Citations



Google Scholar

Co-author Network


Materials Science Multidisciplinary

Working in the area of ferrite Magnetic nanomaterials, Bhasma as Nanomedicine, Food nanomaterials, Silica from Rice husk, Hudroelectric cell and Physics

Personal Information

Dr Rakesh Kumar Singh

1978 Male
Nanoscience And Nanotechnology Mithapur, Patna, Bihar, India
, Bihar, India - 800001


  • Head of the Department

    Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

    Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna

  • Assistant Professor

    Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

    Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna

  • Registrar

    Aryabhatta Knowledge University Patna

    Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna

  • Head of the Department

    Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

    Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna

  • Assistant Professor


    Patna Womens College, Patna


  • Ph.D.

    Patna University

Honours and Awards


Best Young Teacher with research contributions in Modern field of Nano Science

His Excellency Governor, Bihar, cum Honarable Chancellor, Universities of Bihar.


Contributions to Knowledge in the area of Nanotechnology in Ayurvedic Science, at Stockholm, Sweden.

International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM), Stockholm, Sweden


Recognition of Master Resource person of International Year Astronomy-2009, Proclaimed by United Nations

DST-Govt. of Bihar and NCSTC-network, Delhi, Science for Society, Bihar

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Best Young Teacher with research contributions in Modern field of Nano Science

His Excellency Governor, Bihar, cum Honarable Chancellor, Universities of Bihar.


Contributions to Knowledge in the area of Nanotechnology in Ayurvedic Science, at Stockholm, Sweden.

International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM), Stockholm, Sweden


Recognition of Master Resource person of International Year Astronomy-2009, Proclaimed by United Nations

DST-Govt. of Bihar and NCSTC-network, Delhi, Science for Society, Bihar


Young Scientist Award in 1st Global Bihar Science Conference at Science College, Patna University for highlighting Nanotechnology Research

Global Scientific Council of International Conference, organzed by-BBrainDevolpement society and Patna University


Senior Resourse Persons of Utsahi Physics Teachers (A group evolved through IIT Kanpur Initiated Project on Innovative Physics Teaching) For Revitalization of Science Education through Innovative Teaching Methods

IIT Kanpur initiated project-Coordinated by Padam Shree Prof. H C Verma


NCSTC-DST-Govt. of India

Recognized as one of the expert for contributions of bringing Science closure to mass people and developing module for communicating in country India on ‘ Physics in daily & Physics for Consumer’


Master Resource person of International Year of Physics-2005, Proclaimed by United Nation

DST-Govt. of Bihar and NCSTC-network, Delhi, Science for Society, Bihar

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Doctoral Theses Guided


Preparation, Physical properties measurement of superfine food materials of black pepper(Piper Nigrum) and Potato( Solanum Tuberosum) and its Applications.

Aryabhatta Knowledge University Patna,Dr. Pallavi Singh


Synthesis and Characterization of Yettrium Alumunium Borate(YAB) Garnet Nanomaterials for Light Emitting Diode (LED) Applications.

Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna,Dr. Bibhuti Bikramaditya


Preparation of some hexaferrite nanomaterials , investigation of their mechanical, electrical and magnetic properties evaluations of their possible application

Aryabhatta Knowledge University,Dr. Harendra Satyapal

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Preparation, Physical properties measurement of superfine food materials of black pepper(Piper Nigrum) and Potato( Solanum Tuberosum) and its Applications.

Aryabhatta Knowledge University Patna,Dr. Pallavi Singh


Synthesis and Characterization of Yettrium Alumunium Borate(YAB) Garnet Nanomaterials for Light Emitting Diode (LED) Applications.

Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna,Dr. Bibhuti Bikramaditya


Preparation of some hexaferrite nanomaterials , investigation of their mechanical, electrical and magnetic properties evaluations of their possible application

Aryabhatta Knowledge University,Dr. Harendra Satyapal


Tuning of Magnetic and Dielectric Properties of doped some Nanocrystalline Ferrites

Aryabhatta Knowledge University,Dr. Md. Kamar Tanbir


Study on physical Properties of Calcium based Ayurvedic Bhasma as nanomaterials by Employing modern scientific tools and applications

Aryabhatta Knowledge University,Dr. Sweta Sinha


Effect of superfine grinding on the physico-chemical and Morphological studies of some food materials at nanosize and their applications.

Aryabhatta Knowledge University,Dr. Archana


Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of some Ayurvedic bhasma as Nanomedicine.

Aryabhatta Knowledge University,Dr. Sanjay Kumar


Synthesis, Characterization of Nano size food materials and its applications

Aryabhatta Knowledge University,Dr. Abhay kumar Aman

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Membership In Professional Bodies


International Association of Advanced Materials Science (IAAM), Sweden



Society for Scientific Value, Delhi

Executive Council


Magnetic Society of India (MSI), Hyderabad


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International Association of Advanced Materials Science (IAAM), Sweden



Society for Scientific Value, Delhi

Executive Council


Magnetic Society of India (MSI), Hyderabad



Utsahi Physics Teacher Group- Initiative of IIT Kanpur, Coordinated by Prof. H. C.Verma, I.I.T Kanpur

Senior Resource Person


National Anveshika Network of India



Bihar Brain development Society

Executive Council member


Science for Society Bihar

Resource Person


The Art of Living foundation


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Membership In Committees


International Symposium on applications of thermal analysis and calorimetry, research paper compilation for International Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry-Springer(SCI& Scopus Journal)

Guest Editor


National Workshop on Understanding Nature and Nature assisted Science teaching at IIT Patna, organized by IIT Patna, Dept. of Education Govt. of Bihar and National Anveshika Network of India

Local Coordinator and Resource person


Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Center


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International Symposium on applications of thermal analysis and calorimetry, research paper compilation for International Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry-Springer(SCI& Scopus Journal)

Guest Editor


National Workshop on Understanding Nature and Nature assisted Science teaching at IIT Patna, organized by IIT Patna, Dept. of Education Govt. of Bihar and National Anveshika Network of India

Local Coordinator and Resource person


Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Center



International Seminar on Atomic Process, Laser, Nanomaterials, Organized by MLS College, Darbhanga

Organizing Committee cum Resource person


Convenor of Post Graduate Programme in Research-Doctoral Committee, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology of Aryabhatta Knowledge University Patna



Research committee of Patna Women’s College, Patna University

Guest Advisor


Matter related to MOOCs/SWAYAM/NPTEL for Engineering graduates of Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna

Special Invitee/ Expert and as Registrar


IPR awareness programme under National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission of Govt. of India at Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna



Peer review of Science Journals- J of Superconductivity & Novel magnetism, J. Material Science, Materials in Electronics, J. Mater. Today proceeding, j of Inorganic & Organic Polymers, MDPI-Journals, J of Biomass conversion and Biorefinary, J of Chankya Law Review and some others



IPR awareness programme under National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission of Govt. of India at Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna



Peer review of Science Journals- J of Superconductivity & Novel magnetism, J. Material Science, Materials in Electronics, J. Mater. Today proceeding, j of Inorganic & Organic Polymers, MDPI-Journals, J of Biomass conversion and Biorefinary, J of Chankya Law Review and some others



National Anveshika Experimental Science Skill Test( NAEST), Organized by- National Anveshika Network of India



International Conference on Empowering Smart future through Scientific Development and Technology, organized by Patna Women’s College and MOL2NET Switzerland, USEDAT-USA

Chairperson of Scientific Session


nternational Webinar on ‘ Mental Health: Holistic Health Management for Enhancing Productivity’ organized by Atal Incubation center-Bihar Vidyapeeth

Organizing Committee cum Resource person


National Seminar on Nanotechnology for the devlopement of Agriculture in Bihar, Organized by MP College, Mohania, Kaimur

Organizing Committee cum Resource person


University Statue Committee Member, M.Tech-Nanoscience syllabus for credit transfer, Inspection committee member of higher education Institutions, Governing Body member of Colleges, DPR for center for Astronomy and Stem Cell Technology,

Member/ coordinator


National Anveshika Experimental Science Skill Test( NAEST), Organized by- National Anveshika Network of India



M.Sc course in Nano science and Technology ordinance committee, Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research- Recognition, DPR preparation, Anti-ragging committee member-AKU , UGC-National Academic Depository system of AKU, NAAC accreditation , National Social Service, Member of IQAC cell, Nodal officer of Fellowship verification for students

Member/Nodal officer/ Secretary


One of the judges in the evaluation of research projects under the star college scheme of Dept. of Biotechnology, Govt. of India at Patna Women’s College, Patna University ; Was an evaluator in the Enrichment workshop of the state awardee project for the 28th state-level Children science congress- held at BCST-DST, Govt. of India. The theme of this congress was Science for Sustainable life; invited to attend in meeting for valuable suggestions and input for the successful implementation of Tech



National Anveshika Experimental Science Skill Test( NAEST), Organized by- National Anveshika Network of India



Project review committee member of innovators for their completeness as per Innovation policy guidelines of Dept. of Science and Technology, Govt. of Bihar, Executive Council members/Organizing committee members of 8th Bihar Global Bihar Science Conference-2020, organized by Patna University and BBrain development society; Subject experts in Science rally on the occasion of national science day-2020 , organized by S.K.Science center, gandhi maidan and SCERT-Dept. of education, Govt. of Bihar.

Organizing Committee Member


Evalution of State level Balsriprogramme -on focal theme- Creative Scientific Innovations, Organized by Dept. of Kilkari, Autonomous unit of Dept. of Education, Govt. of Bihar; Valued guidance as resource person for the enrichment of national project (A programme of DST-Govt. of India) for state awardee, at SCERT, Govt. of Bihar, Patna, Madhubani Bihar; Participated as organizing committee member on the occasion of Medha Divas, organized by BSEB, Patna . In this programme eminent scientist Dr.

Expert Committee Member


As external subject expert for JRF interview, nominated by Director-UGC-DAE CSR Indore for the selection of JRF in UGC,DAE, CSR sponsored project at Dept.. of Physics, NIT Patna; Aptitude test and communication skill of trainee education at S K Science center, Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India; In BCST-DST Govt. of Bihar project committee Committee member in subject Policy guide lines for supporting grass-root innovators to convert their innovative ideas into prototype model of Govt. of Bihar;

Subject Expert/ Stakeholder


Examination board, Purchase & Sales Committee, Excutive Council, Academic Council, Antiragging committee, Equivalence committee, TEQIP-Research hub, NIRF ranking under TEQIP programme, Senate & Syndicate, New teaching programme etc.

Member/Special invitee/ Member Secretary/Coordinator/ Nodal officer


xamination board, Purchase & Sales Committee, Excutive Council, Academic Council, Antiragging committee, Equivalence committee, TEQIP-Research hub, NIRF ranking under TEQIP programme, Senate & Syndicate, New teaching programme etc.

Member/Special invitee/ Member Secretary/Coordinator/ Nodal officer


Participation as a stake holder in Course Curricular with HUC representative’s on11th October 2017 on the subject –Studies on River Coordinator National Anveshika Experimental Skill Test (NAEST)-organized for Colleges, Universities and Schools students. This is unique programme for skill development in science experiment for Inspired research. Prof.H.C.Verma, IIT Kanpur is National coordinator of NAEST Evalution committee member of International Women’s day-2017- Debate competition, organized by

Subject Expert/ Stakeholder


Participated as a Resource person in State level Balsri programme -on focal theme, Creative Scientific Innovations, Organized by Dept. of Kilkari, Autonomous unit of Dept. of Education, Govt. of Bihar; Nodal officer of NPTEL( National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning) workshop of Aryabhatta Knowledge University at IIT Patna; Admission &Examination; Rajbhawan Secretariat letter no. BSU-17/2015-1298/GS(1) and preparation of Instituational devlopement plan- Organizing Committee member; Lib

Nodal Officer/ Subject Expert


Workshop of KendriyaVidyalaya PGT teachers of state Bihar, Maharashtra, Chatishgarh under RashtriyaAvishkarAbhiyanprogramme- Initiative of Govt.of India, at IIT Patna; Debate on the topic “ Public participation in promoting integrity and Eradication of corruption, for M.Tech, M.Ed and Ph.D scholar of AKU; Selection Committee member in Teachers appointment in Indrakali Ramji Singh B.Ed College, Gopalganj as a University representative; Center Suprintendent of M.Tech-Ph.D-nanoscience and Ph.D-Ed

Coordinator and Resource Person


6th Global Bihar Science Conference-: An International Conference on Science & Technology, Organized by BiharBrain Devlopement society and Magadh Manila College, Patna University; 21st National Children Science Congress: A Programme of Govt. of India on Focal theme “ Energy: Explore, Harness and Conserve”, Organized by-NCSTC- Network, Delhi, Science for society Bihar; MOU signing ceremony between AKU and Wadhwani foundation, Delhi; expert committee member in 42nd state level Jawahar Lal science

6th Global Bihar Science Conference-: An International Conference on Science & Technology, Organized by BiharBrain Devlopement society and Magadh Manila College, Patna University; 21st National Children Science Congress: A Programme of Govt. of India on Focal theme “ Energy: Explore, Harness and Conserve”, Organized by-NCSTC- Network, Delhi, Science for society Bihar; MOU signing ceremony between AKU and Wadhwani foundation, Delhi; expert committee member in 42nd state level Jawahar Lal science


Research Committee (Managing Editor) member of the Journal. IRIS: Journal for Young Scientists, and the Journal Explore: Journal of Research for Undergraduate and Post-Graduate students; Editorial Board Member of Journal Manthan- An International Journal of Scientific Research and innovation

Managing Editor/ Editorial Board member


Technical committee of library, Simulation research in Nanomaterials Research and others research Establishment related scientific research lab of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology of Aryabhatta Knowledge university Patna



5th Global Bihar Science Conference- 2013; 21st National Children Science Congress: A Programme of Govt. of India on Focal theme “ Energy: Explore, Harness and Conserve; Interview committee member of Psychological and computational work of technical staff member appointment

Executive Council cum Organizing Committee member


otivational Talk on “ Indian Science : Yesterdat, Today and Tomorrow” by Prof. H.C. Verma, Dept. of Physics, IIT Kanpur;International Conference on Science Education & Research ( 4th Global Bihar Science Conf- 2010) Org. By- BBrain Dev. Soc.& Gaya College, Magadh University Bodh-Gaya, 3rd Bihar Vigyan Congress, org. by- BCST, DST, Govt, Of Bihar

Coordinator /Organizing Committee Member


State level awareness on Total Solar Eclipse- 22 July 2009, Largest celestial drama of 21st Century, International Year of Astronomy-2009, supported by- Vigyan Prasar, Govt. of India, SCERT Patna, Science for Society Bihar, S.K. Science Centre Patna



International Conference on Science Education & Research- ( 4th Global Bihar Science Conf- 2009) Org. By- BBrain Dev. Soc.& Commerce College, Magadh University Bodh-Gaya

Organizing Committee member


Scientific Scientific foresight-2008, Global Symposim ocontemporary Science and Technology Organized by- Dept. of Scienceand Technology, Govt. of Biha

Organizing Committee Member


Vigyan ke teen sopan” Khoj, Sodh Aur Bodh, A Countrywide Programme on Science and technology popularization built around an exhibition train – Science express ( A journey in to the future of Scientific discovery) at Patna. This Science express train was developed by German Plank Society, Govt. of Germany and DST, Govt. of India,Organized by :- NCSTC-DST, Govt. of India, Science For Society Bihar.



Six day state level Physics Learning Camp for B.Sc student (Physics Hons) at Patna Science College, Organized by-NCSTC- DST, Govt of India and Science for Society Bihar,



Organizing Committee member of National Science Day celebration at State level, organized by BCST-DST-Govt.of Bihar



Organizing Committee member of National Science Day celebration at State level, organized by BCST-DST-Govt.of Bihar

Editorial Board Member for review of research articles and Organizing Committee member


Celebration of State level programme of world Year of Physics-2005, Proclaimed by United Nation conducted by: BCST-DST-Govt. of Bihar

Organizing Committee Member


State Level awareness Programme on Use of mobile phone-A Revolution in Communication and its impacts


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Research Projects

M.Tech Research Project/Dissertation -1 Year Period

Funding Agency : Aryabhatta Knowledge University

Preparation, Structural, Magnetic and Optical Properties of non-stoichiometric K+ / Li+ substituted Mg Ferrite Nanomaterials as functional materials

Funding Agency : Technical Education Quality Improvement Plan(TEQIP)-Govt. of India

Study of composition and annealing temperature effect On structural, Electrical and Magnetic properties of some rare earth substituted Ferrite nanoparticles.

Funding Agency : UGC

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M.Tech Research Project/Dissertation -1 Year Period

Funding Agency : Aryabhatta Knowledge University

Preparation, Structural, Magnetic and Optical Properties of non-stoichiometric K+ / Li+ substituted Mg Ferrite Nanomaterials as functional materials

Funding Agency : Technical Education Quality Improvement Plan(TEQIP)-Govt. of India

Study of composition and annealing temperature effect On structural, Electrical and Magnetic properties of some rare earth substituted Ferrite nanoparticles.

Funding Agency : UGC

Basic Scientific Research of UGC sheme

Funding Agency : UGC

College with Potential for Excellence Scheme Research Project

Funding Agency : UGC

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Publications (216)