Vidwan-ID : 201345

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Criteria Point
Personal Details 1
Expertise Details 1
Experience Details 1
Qualification Details 1
Employee ID 0.2
Orcid ID 0.2
Researcher ID 0.2
Scopus ID 0.2
Google Scholar ID 0.2
Honours <=3< /td> 0.3
Honours >3 0.5
Project worth less than Rs.5,00,000/- 0.2
Project worth more than Rs.5,00,000/- 0.5
Membership in professional Bodies < 5 0.5
Membership in professional bodies >=5 1
No of publications <=15 1
No of publications between 15-45 2
No of publications >45 3

Vidwan Score 4.4

44% Complete

Ms Delsey M J

Assistant Professor
CMS College Kottayam


Google Scholar


Computer Science Artificial Intelligence

Machine learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is the field of computational science that is centered on studying and understanding patterns in the data to enable learning, reasoning and making decision without human interaction. A huge sample of data is fed to the algorithm and makes the system learn and come up with the data driven recommendations and judgment. Machine learning has applications in fields like Manufacturing. Healthcare, Travel and hospitality, Financial servic

Personal Information

Ms Delsey M J

1987 Female
Department Of Computer Science CMS College Kottayam
Kottayam, Kerala, India - 686001


  • Assistant Professor

    Department of Computer Science

    CMS College Kottayam, Kottayam


  • M.E Computer Science and Engineering

    Anna University, Chennai

Publications (0)