Vidwan-ID : 179349

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    Score criteria

Criteria Point
Personal Details 1
Expertise Details 1
Experience Details 1
Qualification Details 1
Employee ID 0.2
Orcid ID 0.2
Researcher ID 0.2
Scopus ID 0.2
Google Scholar ID 0.2
Honours <=3< /td> 0.3
Honours >3 0.5
Project worth less than Rs.5,00,000/- 0.2
Project worth more than Rs.5,00,000/- 0.5
Membership in professional Bodies < 5 0.5
Membership in professional bodies >=5 1
No of publications <=15 1
No of publications between 15-45 2
No of publications >45 3

Vidwan Score 3.5

35% Complete

Dr Manjinder Singh

Associate Professor
Sri Guru Gobind Singh College, Chandigarh



Business, Finance

Accounting and Finance

Personal Information

Dr Manjinder Singh

1976 Male
Post Graduate Department Of Commerce Sri Guru Gobind Singh College, Sector-26,
, Chandigarh, India - 160022


  • Associate Professor


    Sri Guru Gobind Singh College, Chandigarh,Chandigarh

Membership In Professional Bodies

Indian Commerce Association

Life Membership

Indian Accounting Association

Life Membership

Punjab Commerce and Management Association

Life Membership

Indian Commerce Association

Life Membership

Indian Accounting Association

Life Membership

Punjab Commerce and Management Association

Life Membership

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Publications (0)