Vidwan-ID : 254272

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    Score criteria

Criteria Point
Personal Details 1
Expertise Details 1
Experience Details 1
Qualification Details 1
Employee ID 0.2
Orcid ID 0.2
Researcher ID 0.2
Scopus ID 0.2
Google Scholar ID 0.2
Honours <=3< /td> 0.3
Honours >3 0.5
Project worth less than Rs.5,00,000/- 0.2
Project worth more than Rs.5,00,000/- 0.5
Membership in professional Bodies < 5 0.5
Membership in professional bodies >=5 1
No of publications <=15 1
No of publications between 15-45 2
No of publications >45 3

Vidwan Score 4.9

49% Complete

Mr K Ranjith Kumar Reddy K

Assistant Professor
CMR Technical Campus




I have been teaching English as a ESL trainer for a decade and a half to Engineering students. with profound knowledge in literary theory, criticism and cultural studies.

Personal Information

Mr K Ranjith Kumar Reddy K

PRASHANTH NAGAR COLONY Department Of English Literature,CMR Technical Campus
Hyderabad, Telangana, India - 501401


  • Assistant Professor

    Department of English Literature

    CMR Technical Campus,Hyderabad

  • Assistant Professor

    Humanities and Sciences

    CMR Technical Campus,Medchel


  • M.A

    Kakatiya University

Membership In Professional Bodies


Kasu Ranjith Kumar Reddy

Permanent member


Kasu Ranjith Kumar Reddy

Permanent member

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